Our stock of titanium sheet, coil and plate includes Commercially Pure (CP) Grade 1, CP Grade 2 – a combination of excellent corrosion resistance and good strength, CP Grade 3, CP Grade 4 – displaying the highest strength of all of the unalloyed grades, used in a variety of chemical process equipment as well as in marine and aeronautical applications, CP Grade 7 and CP Grade 11. We also stock titanium alloys sheet, coil and plate such as 13-11Cr-3Al, 3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Z1, 6Al-6V-2Sn, 3Al-2.5V, 6Al-4V or Grade 5, 6Al-4V ELI or Grade 23, Grade 12 – which combines amazing strength at high temperatures with excellent weldability and corrosion resistance. The plate size is between .020’’ to 6’’, with some grades available at .008’’ coil.